г.Новочебоксарск Чувашской Республики ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ САЙТ


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Novocheboksarsk is one of the most well-planned and beautiful towns of the republic. It has been constructed according to the newest projects of Leningrad architects. One can enjoy the sight of the town with its memorials and monuments. One of them located on Gidrostroiteley Boulevard honours the courage and heroism of the people who parished in the Great Patriotic War, of those, who once lived in the villages where the present Novocheboksarsk is situated. Another sight is St. Vladimir’s Cathedral.

            The town was born due to the largest chemical enterprise of Russia “Khimprom” and the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station. The “Khimprom” JSC was founded in 1960. It produces about 200 articles and its production facilities are being reconstructed nowdays. In 1968 the foundation of the Cheboksary hydroelectric power station began and in July of 1982 it worked out its first billion of kilowatt per hour of energy. Novocheboksarsk takes the second place in Chuvashia for economic development. There are 200 industrial enterprises of all forms of property in the town.

            An important strategic priority is accelerated development of the public infrastructure.

Such enterprises as the “Electroseti”, the “Teploseti”, the “Vodocanal” are the winners in All-Russia competitions among housing-municipals of different regions of Russia.

            Novocheboksarsk has a developed system of education. It includes nurseries, schools, vocational schools, an art school, a music school. The Children and Youth’s Activity Centre is one of the largest in Russia.

            The inhabitants of the town have every possibility to do sports. There are 265 sport structures at their disposal. Among them 11 swimming pools, 39 sporting halls, a track-and-field arena, an Ice Palace, 2 ski bases, 2 sporting complexes.

Система управления контентом
429951, г.Новочебоксарск, ул.Винокурова, д.14
Телефон: (8352) 73-13-15
Факс: (8352) 74-00-47
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